Jess, James, Mary and I went to Parkville, MO for the Parkville Community Band Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert, under the direction of Steve Berg. The band played on the lawn in front of Graham Tyler Memorial Chapel on the Park University campus. The concert started at 7:30 PM. We got there at about 8.
We plopped down our folding chairs and listened to the incredible music featuring Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture", patriotic and Americana music. Also music from the Broadway shows "Chicago" and "Man of La Mancha" was played.
Between the band concert and the fireworks display Mary and I walked a block or two to down town Parkville where a carnival was set up. The portable "Johns" were located there. The town is quaintly laid out. The police were directing auto and pedistrian traffic very efficiently.
I so wished that I had taken my camera with us on our walk. I saw a great view of the steepled MacKay Hall located on the hill of Park University campus as it looked from our viewpoint in the town which lies in a valley.
Other missed photos were of Mary and I meeting and petting "Fat Cat". He was a large feline having mostly grey fur with some white. This cat was being walked in a stroller complete with blanket. He was such a good cat staying put in the stroller. He loved being petted.
As the sun went down the air cooled enough so that a light jacket felt good. Mary and I returned to our spots by Jess and James on the hill of Park University and waited for the fireworks to begin.
The fireworks were awesome. The show lasted about a half hour. They fired off some pretty amazing fireworks.
We walked about a mile to where our car was parked. We noticed fireworks throughout the valley. That was way cool.
As we were driving home I again realized what and excellent driver Jess is. When we were slowing down for stopped traffic ahead of us Jess moved to the right of the car in front of us. Just then he then had to speed up for a short distance to avoid being hit by a driver that was coming up on us way too fast from behind.
When we returned to NKC we saw a deer at Swift Street and NE 32nd Ave. I was very excited. The deer the ran back into a wooded area which was very good.
We made it home safe and sound after another memorable summer experience with folks we love.
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