Saturday, December 30, 2017

2017 Year in Review Part 9 = Christmas

December 25, 2017

We are at our home in Excelsior Springs, MO with am and pm activities.

On Christmas Morning

 Jess being so exciting about getting cardboard. The calendar I put together for him that came with the cardboard is pretty awesome and exciting too.
 Such a fun guy. He is holding the cup and saucer I got for him. The dish towels I got for me but they do look good on Jess.
 I am holding a lovely box from Tammy that I am going to put tea bags in. I love it.
 I am so excited about the pie cutter/spatula and had snowman kitchen towel from my sister Patti. She always gives me such wonderful gifts.
Jess and I by our Christmas tree. Notice where the dish towels wound up.
 I loved our Christmas morning.

On Christmas Afternoon/Evening

Heather, Kevin and LaKai came to our home for Christmas festivities.
We had a veggie dinner = a baked potato bar with tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, cauliflower, celery and mushrooms and also mashed potatoes and gravy. Kevin made yummy mashed potatoes. Heather brought a tasty cherry pie.

We enjoyed ourselves while having good food, visiting and opening cards and gifts. I played some Christmas songs and other tunes on my cello Charlie. It was a wonderful Christmas spent with some fabulous people, My People.

This is the last part of the 2017 review. It has been a good year full of delightful moments, cherished memories and reconnecting with dear loved ones.

2017 Year in Review Part 8 = Celebrating Thankgiving

November 22, 2017

We are at our home in Excelsior Springs, MO. Mary, Krista and Jay came over a day early to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. We had burritos and the fixings.
 Jess discussing life with his niece and nephew.
Jess still in the educating mode with Mary and I listening in.

I love and appreciate Mary, Jay and Krista loads. It is fun hanging around them. We had a good day. Jay and Krista enjoy talking with Jess.

November 23, 2017

We are again at our home. Heather, her friend Brandon, Kevin and LaKai came up from Desoto and Lawrence to spend Thanksgiving with us. 
We ate mashed potatoes that Jess made and gravy, Turkey and stuffing, sweet potatoes with marshmellows and a big apple pie.
We had fun playing scrabble on the big board Jess made.
 LaKai was the score keeper.
 I took time to snuggle with Jess.
Here we are Jess, me, Kevin, LaKai Heather and Brandon.

I love having family over. It is so enjoyable. I am thankful for f a m i l y.

2017 Year in Review Part 7 = It's a 25th Wedding Anniversary Party

November 4, 2017

I and Jess are at our 25th Wedding Anniversary Party in Lawrence, KS thanks to the encouragement of Bruce and Debbie Liddel.
The party was held at their church, The West Side Presbyterian Church. Our actual anniversary is the 9th of November so we celebrated a bit early. At our open house 25 years ago our colors were blue and burgundy much like the colors on our anniversary cake. They grey Jess and I are wearing is to represent silver because 25th is the silver anniversary.

 I am glad to see Krista and Mary/
 It was wonderful seeing Bruce and Michelle Hayes. I am thrilled that they came.
 Jess preparing the meat and cheese tray.
 I was happy to greet Mark and Linda Randel. I am so glad they came.
 Jess made this lovely anniversary cake. It was a cherry chocolate flavor and very delicious. Great Job Jess 🤘
Caught with cake on our faces.
Here we were cutting our cake. This is what we looked like before the caked faces 🤣
Here is how we got cake on our faces.
 It was so sweet that Michelle and Bruce brought us these beautiful flowers. They also gave us an Amazon gift card.
Closed up of the lovely flowers.
 I love family. I am glad each of these wonderful people came to our party.
 Silliness between Jess and his sister Mary.
Jess chatting with Bruce and Michelle.
 My very good friend Sylvia and me. I was glad to see her again.
 Heather's back, me huggin' Kevin and Mary with her lovely smile.
 Heather, Lakai, Sylvia with Phil, and in back ground Linda and Mark.
Mary, Krista, Kevin, in back ground Michelle, Bruce, Debbie, Jess and me.
 Rick and Carol Clayton. Rick is a new friend. I have been friends with Carol since 2008. She did my hair for this event as a gift to me. She is so sweet and does fabulous work.
 Bruce and Debbie talking with Kevin and Jess.
 Mary, her daughter Krista, Mark, Bruce, Debbie and Linda. You can see a little of Jess in the back ground. You can see our video playing behind Bruce.
 Brandon, Heather and LaKai looking at one of our wedding books.
Mark, Debbie, Linda, me, Jess, Mary and Krista.

We had a very good turnout to our party. I think all who came had fun. Jess and I sure did. Bruce Liddel took many of these pictures. A big thank you to him. Thank you also to everyone who came. A huge thank you to Jess for being a super partner in crime for 25 years. He also did a photo music video, prepared much of the food we had = baked beans, green bean casserole, meat/cheese tray, veggie tray and the beautiful wedding cake.

2017 Year in Review Part 6 = Important Visit With Kevin

September 25, 2017

I and Jess were in Lawrence, KS visiting with Kevin who was recuperating from being stabbed in the stomach earlier in the month. The fellow who stabbed was apprehended 6 days after the stabbing. 

 Kevin and me being goofy. It is good for the healing process 😊
Kevin was doing well recovering. I was so happy to visit with him.

Each day Kevin get better and better from his injury. I am so glad about that. I love him lots. His sister Heather helped and still helps him a lot. I love her oodles.

2017 Year in Review Part 5 = Total Solar Eclipse

August 21, 2017

It was at our home in Excelsior Springs, MO with Jess and our good friends
Bruce and Debbie Liddel who came up from Lawrence, KS to see the total solar eclipse.
 It was way cool to view the eclipse through those official eclipse glasses.
 Jess, Debbie and Bruce all set up and viewing the eclipse. It had been cloudy just minutes before the eclipse began. The clouds cleared just in time. Then after the eclipse the clouds came back.
 This photo was taken when we had total solar eclipse. Notice how dark it was.
This is one of the awesome photos of the eclipse that Bruce captured.
I am so happy that Bruce and Debbie could come to our home for viewing the 
total solar eclipse.

2017 Year in Review Part 4 = My Trip to Utah

July 12, 2017

I was in Ogden, UT with Bryan

We had a great time playing
miniature golf after
visiting with some friends
in Ogden.

July 15, 2017
I was at Vivian Park, near the opening of Provo Canyon, UT
with family at our Hunsaker Family Reunion.
 I loved seeing my dear Momma Alice Hunsaker Welker again. She is the sweetest most
positive woman I know. She has a sense of humor too.
 Me with my cousins Nadine and Debra.
 Cindy, Cheryl, me, Sara and Jan. It was great seeing and visiting with my cousins again.
 Talmadge, Tammy holding Taft, Mia, Eliana, Hans (Tammy's Dad) and Grandma Alice Welker.
 Lovin' these sweet girls my grand daughters Mia, Taylor and Eliana with their cousin Summer.
 My sisters Patti and Suzy, Mom and me.
Later on July 15th in Morgan, UT are Talmadge, Taft and their Dad Cameron having great fun.

July 16, 2017

I was in Morgan, UT where we are having a Hans and Betty Family BBQ at Cameron and Tammy's.

Bryan and
Shane did great at BBQing
Tammy was a lovely hostess.
Seth, Taylor, Eliana and Mia enjoyed slip-n-sliding.
Eli and
Taft got their feet wet also.
We had a great time at the BBQ.

July 18, 2017

I was with Shane, Natalie, Bryan, Taylor, Seth and Eli visiting with Grandma Alice Welker in Orem, UT
Grandma Welker in her element surrounded by grands and great grands.
This photo captures what a wonderful relationship Mom and I have for which I am very grateful.
One of my favorite photos of the day. One that is filled with Love.
Taylor and her Great Grandma and me also me with my Mom and Grand Daughter.
Seth with Great Grandma's walker.
Great Grandma playing with Eli. Bryan there for support.
Eli giving Seth hugs, while Seth is getting comfort from his Mom Natalie.

July 19, 2017

I was in Kaysville, UT at Shane and Natalie's home.
Shane and Natalie's sweet family. 
I loved my visit to Utah. I was welcomed with open arms. I love my Mom, Children, Grandchildren, Sisters and Cousins. I also love Jess very much. He stayed home to take care of some home improvement projects.