Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reaching Goal Weight!!

That was then Feb. 17, 2007.

This is now

At Goal Weight!! The last 2 photo's were taken Nov. 24, 2008

Hooray, I reached my goal weight at the Weight Watchers Mtg. weigh-in on Tues. Nov. 25. I have a great sense of accomplishment. I have lost 41.6 lbs. That's like losing over 8-five pound sacks of sugar. How awesome.

The battle is not over. Now the maintenance comes. I put the skills I am learning into practice and remember that I am living a healthier life-style and I am worth it. I will continue to attend WW Mtgs. weekly. I will be realistic. I have confidence in me. I may slip now and then but I will get right back to it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our Anniversary!!!

The photo was taken on October 10, 2008.

Today Jess and I celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary. Here in North Kansas City, MO the weather is 42 degrees at 1:48 PM but it is sunny and lovely. The day we got married in Salt Lake City, UT it was warm and sunny. It was an unusual Nov. 9th for SLC.

Sixteen years ago we were on cloud 11. We had many hopes and dreams for our future. We still have bright expectations for the nows and the tomorrows together. I don't count the cloud number we are on. Some days we are on the higher clouds sometimes on lower ones. After going through wonderful times, awful times and regular times we have grown even closer to one another.

We so enjoy learning together. The books Jess has shared with me are many. I feel that my whole world has been opened up to broader possibilities. We both are more confident in our own abilities and judgement. Our individual confidences have soared.

I love our weekly date nights. Usually we have gone out to eat but we are trying to think of new things to do for our dates.

Jess is my "Knight in Shining Armor" although he thinks his armor is a little dull. He is my confidant, my tease, my best friend and my completeness. I love him beyond words.