Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reaching Goal Weight!!

That was then Feb. 17, 2007.

This is now

At Goal Weight!! The last 2 photo's were taken Nov. 24, 2008

Hooray, I reached my goal weight at the Weight Watchers Mtg. weigh-in on Tues. Nov. 25. I have a great sense of accomplishment. I have lost 41.6 lbs. That's like losing over 8-five pound sacks of sugar. How awesome.

The battle is not over. Now the maintenance comes. I put the skills I am learning into practice and remember that I am living a healthier life-style and I am worth it. I will continue to attend WW Mtgs. weekly. I will be realistic. I have confidence in me. I may slip now and then but I will get right back to it.

1 comment:

SommersFam said...

Congratulations!! You look great! I know you can keep the weight have such a strong determination and will power.