Saturday, July 19, 2008
My story continued (10 - 20 years old)!
*After our move back to Ogden my folks and I lived at 2323 Monroe Blvd. from November 1958 until April 1960 when we resided at 2227 Quincy Ave. The Quincy home would be where my parents lived until April 1984. I lived there until the summer of 1971 when I moved out and lived with roommates until February 1972. I lived in a house on 16th Street with Shirley Lewis from July-November and with Verna and Helen Ogden in apts. in N. Ogden and 23rd and Jefferson November-February when I moved back home to live with my folks . I again moved for the summer of 1973 when Donna Stokes and I shared a condo-like apt. in S Ogden. On February 14, 1974 I married and moved again from 2227 Quincy.
*From 1958 to 1968 many exciting things happened in my life. I remember struggling in 5th grade at Madison Elementary. I figured I was behind in my schooling since I had been going to a "country school" the first part of the year. Mrs. Childs our teacher had patience and compassion for me. She concentrated on helping each student read better. My sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Peterson was also very nice. She liked us to memorize things. One of the assemblies I really remember was the one where a man brought an octopus and displayed it on a huge hook. It was very big. Thinking back on that now I don't believe that was a very humane thing to do with the octopus. He was dead though. Also in sixth grade we girls danced with the boys in a school program. There was a huge rumor about a monster living in the restrooms at the park across the street from the school. I was part of a patriotic musical. We practiced those patriotic songs for months.
*In the summer of 1959 I started taking swimming lessons at the old Weber College indoor pool not far from our house. I was terrified of going into the water at the deep end of the pool. It was 12 feet deep there. I hadn't ever been in a swimming pool until about February 1959. I remember how weird it was to feel the movement of the pool water on my body. It was completely different from the movement of bathtub water. I did survive jumping off the diving board though. The swim lessons were just not pleasant for me.
*My 7th grade, first year of junior high, was very difficult for me. During that time I had my nose broken accidentally by my friend Jean Ray, Jean moved with her family to the state of Washington that year. I didn't get very good grades in several classes. Plus I was again taunted by Victor Garcia and boy I knew from elementary school. On the positive side I learned to play the cello in the school orchestra under the direction of Mr. Furch. I met some new friends and Vera and I got to go to the same school again.
*I thought high school was okay. I was shy around boys until my senior year. My favorite teacher was Ron Bergen my art teacher senior year. He was very handsome and wore English Leather Cologne. He was as nice as he was handsome. While attending his art class I lost a lot of my shyness around boys. I continued to play in the school orchestra thanks to my mom encouraging me to do so. I liked being in the orchestra.
I earned a music scholarship to Weber State College. I started the fall of 1966. I really came out of my social dating shell my first year at WSC. I dated frequently. I continued being in the orchestra. This time the organization was called the Weber State College Symphony Orchestra. Whoo Who! I also joined a sorority, Lambda Delta Sigma. I struggled my freshman year with keeping good grades because I took too many classes and didn't study as often as I should have.
*My parents and I went on many vacations 1959-1968. We traveled a lot by train. Since dad worked at the railroad we got passes to ride on the trains. I believe the price of our fares were greatly reduced or our tickets were free. We visited Karen and Don in San Diego, California 3 times. We went to Las Vegas on the way back from California. We traveled by car to Cokeville, Wyoming lots. At each of these places we visited family. In San Diego and Las Vegas we also saw the sites. I loved my first time wading in the Pacific Ocean surf at a beach in San Diego with my aunt Karen June 1960. I was twelve.
*My mom and dad continued to come to the events I was participating in to show their love and support. They kept helping others particularly family members. They had a hard time when I started dating. I don't think dad knew how to react to me having other fellows in my life. He also wanted to continue to protect me. It is a good thing that I didn't date much until I was a Freshman in college. My mom was so cute about my dating. She started writing a "Betty dated who and when list".
*In the summer 1967 I started my first job. I worked a Ute's Cafe on 25th Street as a waitress part time for two weeks then I started working as Plant worker, 07/1967 - 08/1970 (seasonal-4 summers/1 winter) at Farr’s Ice Cream, 286 E 23rd St., Ogden, UT 84401. I Sacked Popsicle’s and ice cream sandwiches, opened and closed ice cream cartons on assembly line, made 5 gallon containers, separated eggs, pealed peaches, cut cake rolls, carried product to freezers, and date stamped packaging. Malloy Putnam was my supervisor. I loved this job and the people I worked with.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Summer Hooray!!


The tree line in our back yard.
I wanted to take some pictures of the lovely folage in our neighborhood now it is summer. On Friday, July 11, 2008 I took the above photos. Some of the photos were taken of our flower gardens at our home. Others were taken of random places in NKC. The red hibiscus plants, the smaller hostas and the orange daylilies our in our flowers beds.
I am often amazed at the beauties around us daily here in North Kansas City. I love the variety of plant life that we see constantly. I love noticing what our neighbors, volunteers and city workers have done with the yards, gardens and planters.
Summertime is my favorite time of year. I welcome the sunshine. I loved hearing on the weather forcast last night that we were going have a cold front come in and the temperatures would be in the 80s. It is so much better than being warned of the many frosty cold fronts that were forcasted this past winter and spring where the temperatures were way below 80 degrees.
I hope all who read this blog are having a super summer filled with joy, humor and good times.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Jess's Birthday 7/6/08!

James' Birthday 6/8/08!
Concert at the Square July 5, 2008!