Saturday, April 25, 2015

January 2015 Doing a Little Catching Up

I started the year 2015 off right by participating and being part of The 100-Day Challenge 2015 group. In the 100 day challenge we would do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. We were encouraged to take day rest days as needed. On my rest days I usually did something light like doing arm weight exercises using my 2 pound weighs for 30 minutes. I met wonderful challenge participants who were so encouraging, uplifting and inspiring. Many of us posted about our days activities on the challenge group Facebook page. Some of us would add photos. I also loved filling in each days space after completing my chosen workout. It was something that helped keep me motivated. Sometimes it truly is the little things that can have a huge impact on our lives.

January had some extremes when it came to temperatures. On the 7th I had to layer and really bundle up in order to stay warm while taking my walk. I wore my sweatpants, a tank top, one of my warmest sweaters, my hoodie, a wool scarf, Jess's winter face mask, my long down coat and my best winter gloves. Yes, I did stay warm during my walk. In contrast on January not Junuary (sorry about that) 28th we were having summertime temps.

In the fall I decided to winter our tropical hibiscus plants indoors. After getting them cleaned off, ridding them of pesty spiders and treating them for the shock from being transplanted they began to bloom. The red one bloomed a lot. The pink one flowered some of the time. It sure help liven up Jess and my spirits when they were blooming. It brightened our January.

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