Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 2015 Happenings

 On April 1st our 100 Days Challenge Group page on Facebook was accidentally closed down. On Facebook a group of us communicated with each other the desire to continue the challenge which was to last up to April 10th at the earliest. On April 3rd Kelly from 100 Days Challenge created "My Daily Fitness Challenge Group" on Facebook. I am so thankful that she did. It not only gave us a place to continue posting our progress on our 100 days challenge but there no time limit for completion at this group site. We have congratulated each other on our completion of the 100 days challenge, continue to post our daily fitness experiences or rest days, give and receive lots of positiveness, encouragement, inspiration and friendship. A BIG THANK YOU TO KELLY.

On the 3rd of April Jess and I were shopping at Home Depot in Liberty, MO and where I noticed the beautiful blossoms on the trees in the parking lot so I photographed them. I got my activity in by walking through several stores for over an hour. 

On the 5th of April I walked over the bridge that is along the Rainbow Trail on a beautiful day. Then on the 15th of April I put together a Food and Fitness Journal to help inspire me to keep my fitness enthusiasm going and to motivate me to work on my food and nutrition.

Yippee! Jess and I finished making and painting the bird houses on April 10th.

The bird duplexes were hung up on April 11th.

 The 1st occupants were the Sparrows.

We had hoped that the Sparrows would love these dwellings. We made the birdhouses with them in mind. 

Alas :( the Sparrows have been over ruled and Black Birds of several varieties have taken over both bird houses. The above bird seems smaller and fluffier than the bird pictured below.

There has been a lot of activity at the bird homes the last few days. This excitement revolves around these larger Black Birds squabbling among themselves on who has possession of these residences.

At least there are birds that love these bird houses. In fact many birds love them. The Sparrows have gone on to their plan "B".

Jess has been diligent in making garden pavers for two weeks. It took 3 days per set of 3 and he made 4 sets. They look fabulous. THANK YOU SO MUCH JESS.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

March 2015 Still Catching Up

Filling in each of those days was so fulfilling. One day of workout success had led to another with a little help for Jess and my fellow challenge participants. The weather was warmer and there was more sunshine. I could go on more walks in the neighborhood. I loved walking on streets I hadn't walked before and discovering.

The Daffodils and Hyacinths we planted from bulbs last year were the first flowers to break ground, grow and bloom, followed by the Tulips from last year. We planted other Hyacinth plants and Tulips along with 4 Daylily bulbs. We are now waiting for the Iris's to come up. We planted Iris bulbs last fall. The next time we plant bulbs I want to plant them in clusters rather individually. I think they my help each other stand up straighter if there are more of them.

Jess and I love our finches. The two birds on the ends are Zebra Finches. The couple in the middle are Societies. We have had finches since 2004 when we were given a fairly small cage with 4 Society Finches a dad, mom, brother and sister we figured. Jess went to work right away making them a large cage. They seemed very happy to have more room to fly in their new cage. In 2005 we decided to buy 2 Zebra Finches. Again Jess built them a cage that was the same size as the Societie's. We have seen baby finches born, learn to fly. Jess has nursed a number of finches back to health. We are sad when they die. We love their courting song and dance and are tickled when they seem to all chirp at once as though one of them told a joke and the rest are laughing. They chirp when they hear crackling plastic perhaps because they think they are getting spinach. They are a joy to live with and I'm thankful we have them.
Since Jess and I moved to the mid-west in August of 1997 I have had a fascination with water towers. I just love them. The varied shapes, designs and sizes of each tower are very interesting to me. This is one of our Excelsior Springs water towers.   

February 2015 Doing a Little More Catching Up

In February I continued my activity and participation in the 100 Day Challenge. I felt exhilarated having successfully completed my first month of daily workouts. I learned to use and really appreciate I had no idea that I could find so many useful workout videos; Cardio, Dance, Resistance Band, Stretching, Total Body, Upper Body, Weight Training, Zumba and Yoga. Riding bikes and going for walks with Jess were other very nice good healthy motivators.

I had a great idea on February 1st. I would do a remembrance of the reasons I love Jess so much and express my appreciation for him and the great experiences we have had by posting some of them on Facebook each of the 28 days since it was Valentines month. I looked forward to creating these posts and remembering. I would share all of them and the responses to each with Jess. I loved his reaction. I hope that he felt special throughout this process of love. May he feel that way every day of the year.

These Hibiscus blooms helped keep Jess and I going through the few snow storms of February. We didn't have very many snow events this year. We still had periods of very cold temperatures though and those short dark days of winter. I love me some long, sunshiny days this time of year.  

January 2015 Doing a Little Catching Up

I started the year 2015 off right by participating and being part of The 100-Day Challenge 2015 group. In the 100 day challenge we would do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. We were encouraged to take day rest days as needed. On my rest days I usually did something light like doing arm weight exercises using my 2 pound weighs for 30 minutes. I met wonderful challenge participants who were so encouraging, uplifting and inspiring. Many of us posted about our days activities on the challenge group Facebook page. Some of us would add photos. I also loved filling in each days space after completing my chosen workout. It was something that helped keep me motivated. Sometimes it truly is the little things that can have a huge impact on our lives.

January had some extremes when it came to temperatures. On the 7th I had to layer and really bundle up in order to stay warm while taking my walk. I wore my sweatpants, a tank top, one of my warmest sweaters, my hoodie, a wool scarf, Jess's winter face mask, my long down coat and my best winter gloves. Yes, I did stay warm during my walk. In contrast on January not Junuary (sorry about that) 28th we were having summertime temps.

In the fall I decided to winter our tropical hibiscus plants indoors. After getting them cleaned off, ridding them of pesty spiders and treating them for the shock from being transplanted they began to bloom. The red one bloomed a lot. The pink one flowered some of the time. It sure help liven up Jess and my spirits when they were blooming. It brightened our January.