Here are some Hostas and an Asiatic Lily plant. They are growing in our back yard. Flowers bring such joy to me. I love their blossoms, their smell and how they feel.
F resh
L ovely
O utstanding
W onderful
E nchanting
R emarkable
S weet
Please take the time to enjoy the natural beauties that are around us.
Me and my Dad Lee Richard Linder 1950
My dad was a wonderful father. He and Mom always came to the events I participated in. He helped me feel special about myself and encouraged me to try and keep trying. He believed in me. He gave the best hugs and tickles. He loved to tease. Whisker rubs were given often. They were prickly experiences. His smile lit up a room and the twinkle in his eye was just delightful. He was a very hard worker, generous, uncomplaining, thoughtful and loving.
Dad I love and miss you so hugely. I hope you are very happy. Have a great forever and Happy Father's Day.
Schools out as of today June 1, 2011. I am so looking forward to this summer break. It has been a rough year with all the snow days we had. We had 8 of them extending our school year out one week. But it has been a good year in spite of snow day interruptions. We have amazing students and staff. I saw many heart-warming actions from staff members and students. These actions really showed themselves when we under tornado protection on May 25th for an hour or so. I wish my co-workers and the students lots of happiness and a great safe summer.