Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Joy of making Quilts for a Niece and Grandchildren

The first quilt I made was for my niece Shelli. At a church event I and some other young women learned how to make animal character quilts. I fell in love with the lion one so I made it for baby Shelli. 

Adorable Shelli looked so cute and quite happy lying on the quilt.

It would be 28 years before I quilted again. My first grandchild was born in 2000. His name is Drake. His heritage is half Laotian (on his beautiful mom's side). The year 2000 was the oriental year of the dragon. Therefore I decided to make him a dragon quilt.

Such a precious baby looking very comfy and sweet on his quilt from Grandma Ware.

As Drake grew I thought it would be a good idea to make him a larger dragon quilt. So that is what I did in 2002.

In addition to the dragon in the center I was sure Drake would also like the jungle animal print.

My next quilting adventure was in 2006. The quilt was for Drake's sister Perresa. This year was the oriental year of the chicken. You guessed it. I made her a quilt with a chicken theme. Since Drake's second quilt I have loved making a pillow to match each quilt. 

Pictured in this photo are Drake, Jason, Noi and Perresa.

 I have loved seeing my niece and grandchildren enjoy their quilts.

I had 3 grandchildren born between July and November 2006. It was a busy year. Talmadge was a year old before he got his jungle animal themed quilt. LaKai got her butterfly quilt on her second birthday.


Mia, Talmadge's sister was the next recipient of a quilt from me in 2010. Dog theme it was for her quilt. It is so fun for me to think up designs for these quilts and put them together. 

In 2012 as I watched the summer Olympics I worked on a quilt for another precious two year old grand daughter. We had a family outing to Kansas City's new Aquarium in May so I planned a sea life theme for her quilt.

The back of her quilt
The summer 2013 I was busy working on the farm themed quilt for Eliana, Talmadge and Mia's sister. She received it a few days before her 2nd birthday.

This year, 2015 I just finished a quilt for my two year old grandson. He likes dogs and balls. Sooooo I made his quilt with that in mind.

It has been so wonderful to make each of these quilts with lots of love. I look forward to making the next quilt in two years. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 2015 Happenings

 On April 1st our 100 Days Challenge Group page on Facebook was accidentally closed down. On Facebook a group of us communicated with each other the desire to continue the challenge which was to last up to April 10th at the earliest. On April 3rd Kelly from 100 Days Challenge created "My Daily Fitness Challenge Group" on Facebook. I am so thankful that she did. It not only gave us a place to continue posting our progress on our 100 days challenge but there no time limit for completion at this group site. We have congratulated each other on our completion of the 100 days challenge, continue to post our daily fitness experiences or rest days, give and receive lots of positiveness, encouragement, inspiration and friendship. A BIG THANK YOU TO KELLY.

On the 3rd of April Jess and I were shopping at Home Depot in Liberty, MO and where I noticed the beautiful blossoms on the trees in the parking lot so I photographed them. I got my activity in by walking through several stores for over an hour. 

On the 5th of April I walked over the bridge that is along the Rainbow Trail on a beautiful day. Then on the 15th of April I put together a Food and Fitness Journal to help inspire me to keep my fitness enthusiasm going and to motivate me to work on my food and nutrition.

Yippee! Jess and I finished making and painting the bird houses on April 10th.

The bird duplexes were hung up on April 11th.

 The 1st occupants were the Sparrows.

We had hoped that the Sparrows would love these dwellings. We made the birdhouses with them in mind. 

Alas :( the Sparrows have been over ruled and Black Birds of several varieties have taken over both bird houses. The above bird seems smaller and fluffier than the bird pictured below.

There has been a lot of activity at the bird homes the last few days. This excitement revolves around these larger Black Birds squabbling among themselves on who has possession of these residences.

At least there are birds that love these bird houses. In fact many birds love them. The Sparrows have gone on to their plan "B".

Jess has been diligent in making garden pavers for two weeks. It took 3 days per set of 3 and he made 4 sets. They look fabulous. THANK YOU SO MUCH JESS.